Can’t Sleep

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Can’t Sleep is a short, spooky game where you play as someone who just can’t seem to fall asleep. In this horror simulation, the player tries to sleep but keeps getting the feeling that they’re not alone in the room. The game builds a creepy atmosphere that keeps you on edge, perfect for fans of scary stories. It’s a simple game where you mainly look around the room and try to sleep, but strange things keep happening.

The game was created for the “Two Minute Horror Jam,” so it’s very short and can be completed quickly. Even though it’s brief, it manages to create a lot of suspense and fear in a short time. Players need to use headphones for the best experience, as the sound effects make the game even more intense. It’s a great game for anyone looking for a quick scare before bedtime.

Can’t Sleep is free to play online and doesn’t require any downloads. It’s a fun way to experience a short horror story interactively. If you enjoy being scared and like horror games, this one is definitely worth a try. It’s simple, quick, and very effective at giving you chills.

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