WII Funkin’: FNF vs Matt (3 Weeks) 2.0

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Online Game WII Funkin’: FNF vs Matt (3 Weeks) 2.0

Also known as Wii Funkin’ you meet Matt the iconic character from Nintendo’s Wii Sports who is renowned for his boxing skills. A full week of musical battles where you try to outdo Matt in rhythm-based gameplay is added. This mod is known to be a bit difficult particularly on the harder modes. Playing songs such as “Light-it-up,” “Ruckus,” “Target Practice,” “Sporting,” and “Boxing Match” will test your timing and skills to the extreme.

Boyfriend joins a boxing tournament and Matt meets him in the final round of a boxing tournament. Play is very fast and you have to hit The notes well to keep up with Matt’s hard rhythms. It’s also more difficult to play with some fan-made versions of The mod adding more songs and levels including The Wiik 3 update.

This mod is famous because of its fun mechanics nostalgic characters and for The fact that it pushes players to their limits. It’s right for anyone who wants a serious challenge.There is a Friday Night Funkin’ universe.There is a.

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